What Is Inner Peace
And How Do I Find it?


So what is inner peace and how do we find it? Is it simply a feeling that comes and goes on whim or is it something that can be cultivated and relied upon in daily life? We live in times where peace of mind often takes second place to 'higher' priorities. Yet, without internal peace how do we expect to renew ourselves and keep going effectively at full steam ahead?

What is Inner Peace?

Times of war are times of great conflict. Times of peace are times of no-conflict. If peace is a state of no-conflict, then inner-peace is an inner state of no-conflict.

In Japanese wisdom traditions there is a phrase that speaks to the heart of war and peace. The phrase is 'butoku', which means 'to stop the spear'.

On one level of interpretation 'stop the spear' means having the will and ability to physically defend oneself and one's country. A deeper level of interpretation for 'stop the spear' means putting an end to internal struggle - putting an end to the battle that is raging in the heart and mind of the warrior.

At this deeper level, 'stop the spear' becomes a spiritual teaching. It points our attention to the internal world as the primary battlefield. This is the main conflict we need to resolve. We must first experience peace on the inside before we can create peace on the outside.

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Be Still... and Peace-of-Mind is Yours

“One’s action ought to come out of an achieved stillness; not to be mere rushing on.”

~D.H. Lawrence

To be still and to be at peace are one and the same. To experience one is to also experience the other. When internal struggle is absent, stillness occurs. Stillness and inner peace are one. Yet, knowing this still begs the question: How do we become still? How do we access stillness? How do we learn what stillness is? This is what we want to find out.

With so many internal 'voices' pulling us in different directions, with so many different points of view, inner peace seems like a fantasy. Yet, as many ancient wisdom masters will tell you, it does exist and it can be experienced.

Breathe... and Peace-of-Mind is Yours

There are times when we build up an inner frenzy of worry, anxiety, fear, guilt or shame. Simply stopping to take a few conscious, deep breaths can do wonders to break the momentum of our negative thinking. Conscious use of breath, combined with no-nonsense positive self talk, is a potent combination to reduce stress and ease the mind. It introduces a modicum of inner peace.

'As within, so without'. Once we stop creating and experiencing conflict on the inside, only then can we create and establish peace on the outside.

Learn to Observe Your Self-Talk...
and Peace-of-Mind is Yours

We talk to ourselves all day long. This inner self talk plays a major role in how we feel and function in our daily lives. To be effective and vital, to feel good about ourselves, means we have to master the way we habitually talk to ourselves.

However, when it comes to experiencing stillness and peace of mind, all self-talk - both negative and positive - needs to be released. When we empty ourselves in this way, we both discover and find that place of inner peace - that state of no-conflict, of no internal struggle, a state of equanimity and mental composure.

Learning how to observe our inner-talk without emotional attachment or involvement is a time-tested practice to help us connect with inner stillness and peace of mind. Visit meditation power for much more on this.

For other out-of-the-mind self improvement and motivation articles related to what is inner peace, visit:

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