A Few Tips on Setting Goals
Guaranteed to Excite Your Subconscious Mind


The following tips on setting goals will help you get the most 'bang for your buck' from your goal setting. They'll help to eliminate subtle goal setting mistakes that can prevent bringing the subconscious mind on board with your efforts.

Tips on Setting Goals #1: Target the Prize

Obviously, right? Yet, a common goal setting mistake is to accidentally target the symptom instead of the prize. What's a symptom? Here's an example...

Let's say you want to lose weight. Is this a symptom, or is it a prize?

Weight is a symptom.

Why are we overweight to begin with? Is it because we don't exercise enough? Is it because of an unhealthy eating regimen? Is it because of poor lifestyle choices? Is it due to hormonal imbalances?

Whatever the reason, one thing is clear. Weight isn't the problem - it's merely a symptom.

So we know what symptom we want to get rid of. We know what we don't want. But what is it that we do want? That's your prize to target.

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Goal Setting Tip #2: Don't Use Goals to Postpone Action

Let's say you want to quit smoking. Is it effective goal setting technique to say, 'I'm going to quit smoking on new year's eve'?

Well, not really.

Why not quit now? What's preventing you from doing it right at this very moment? Isn't your 'goal' in this case, merely a way of postponing something you think you should do, but don't really want to? 

If you really wanted to do it, you'd do it now. A goal wouldn't be needed.

Granted there are situations where postponing an action, by targeting it as a goal, is legitimate. Some actions require scheduling - as components of a larger plan or goal.

Quitting cigarettes doesn't fall under this category. We're either ready to quit or we aren't. If we aren't ready to quit now - how can we know we'll be ready when our goal date comes (and goes)? We can't and we don't.

A goal is something to strive for. It's a process - with a clearly defined end result. On the other hand, to quitting smoking is a one time event. There's no process involved. We either take action on it or we don't.

Turning an action into a goal can be a subtle way of postponing that action. Don't do it! It's a goal setting mistake that sabotages your true intentions. If your 'goal' is to quit smoking - you're doomed. If you really want it, just do it.

Otherwise you'll be misusing the power of effective goal setting to get what you actually want.

Tips on Setting Goals #3: Frame Your Goal as Already Achieved

Say you want to lose 40 pounds and you currently weigh 190. You could state your goal as follows:

'I want to weigh 150 pounds by April 1, 2016!'


'It's the morning of April 1st 2016, I've just stepped onto the scale and I weigh 150 pounds!'

Which goal statement sounds more powerful? Which one feels more motivating? There's something about the second goal statement that feels more inspiring and motivating than the first isn't there?

What is it exactly? Can you put your finger on it?

The first goal is future oriented. It states a desire for the future. 'I want' is a very powerful emotion - a craving, in fact. This craving feeds on the future. Without reference to the future - 'wanting' is dead.

The question then becomes this: Is your goal to continue 'wanting' or are you aiming for something else?

The second goal gives you completion. You are there - 'wanting' nowhere to be found. You've arrived.

So avoid the goal setting mistake of framing your objectives in 'wanting' terms, unless more 'wanting' is what you want!

Framing goals in the present tense gives your subconscious mind an empowering message to work with. The process is immediately set in motion. The subconscious is already working to create that reality in your life.

Goal Setting Tip #4: Make Sure to Mobilize the Body

Effective goal setting is readily thought of as a mental exercise - a technique to help harness the creative powers of the mind.

Yet mobilizing the body is of equal - if not greater - importance. After all, it's with the actions of the body that we realize our goals. Mobilize the body and the mind will follow. 

How do you mobilize the body with effective goal setting? You focus on using 'sensational' language more than 'thoughtful' language. What does this mean?

Let's take the second goal statement from the previous section and improve it to illustrate this point...

'It's the morning of April 1st 2016, I've just stepped onto the scale and I weigh 150 pounds!'

This goal uses 'thoughtful' (thought-based) language. Why is that? Because it talks in numbers. Numbers engage the linear part of our brain. Numbers encourage us to think - not necessarily feel. We know that 150 is 40 pounds less than 190 - which sounds like a lot of weight to lose!

That's motivating - good! Yet we can do better - much better - by using 'sensational' language. Try this goal out for size...

"It's April 1st, 2016. It's my 40th birthday and I'm fitting comfortably into my favorite pair of jeans for the first time in 20 years! Celebrating with family and friends I look and feel fabulous. How peaceful I feel!"

Now that's a motivating goal!

This is 'sensational' or sensation-based language. It speaks to the creative, non-linear mind. It engages our subconscious - our imagination - where all true creativity and motivation resides.

The language of the living subconscious is sensation, not thought. Speak it's language and it responds - in spades. Speak a foreign language, however, and don't be surprised when you end up with something totally different than what you thought you were asking for!

Mobilize the body using the language of sensation and the mind is sure to follow.

Tips on Goal Setting #5: Give Your Goals Some Spine

Is your goal like a single leaf blowing in the wind? Or is it a leaf attached to a branch, which is attached to a tree deeply rooted in the ground? Which leaf has more sustenance?

If you set a goal with no connection to your core values and deeper purpose in life, your goal is a mere leaf blowing in the wind. You may find the motivation and vitality necessary to achieve your goal - sorely lacking.

Your goals need a living, breathing foundation to draw strength from. Your goals should be inspired. This will give you the strength, fortitude and tenacity needed to see them through.

Hope you enjoyed these tips on setting goals! Check out related articles below for more goal setting inspiration...

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